Shop Policies

Denture Clinic Shop Policies

Any goods, services or information displayed on this website should not be regarded as an offer, invitation, solicitation, advice or recommendation to buy products or services on the website. No warranties or representations are made about any goods other than as expressly contained in this Website. To the extent permissible by law all implied terms, whether by statute or otherwise, are excluded.

Our products and prices are subject to change. Promotional terms only apply in the period stated for the promotion. Whilst we will try to ensure that prices on the website are accurate, we are not responsible for errors that may occur.

If we discover any errors in the price of goods before we accept your order, we will notify you as soon as possible and give you the option to resubmit your order at the correct price or cancel the order. Online Payment are secure using PayPal express checkout.

Denture Clinic are completely dedicated to your total satisfaction. If you have any questions, please email us at

Our Contact details:
Denture Clinic
103 Victoria Road
North Yorkshire
YO11 1SP

Copyright by Denture Clinic 2024. All rights reserved.